This concept appears in manufacturing where they count both scrap and inventory. 此概念会出现在制造业,在其中会计算废料和存货。
Instead of listing a product as refurbished or not as in Supplier A, Supplier B keeps a list of information for its products such as manufacturing date, inventory date, and restocking date. 与SupplierA中列出库存产品名称不同,SupplierB保存了产品信息清单,例如生产日期、库存日期或是重新进货日期等。
The overall recovery of the electronics manufacturing industry continued its momentum until there were modest inventory adjustments throughout the entire supply chain in the fourth quarter. 电子制造业全面复苏,令行业一直保持增长动力,直至第四季,整个行业的供应链才出现轻微的库存调整。
The incumbent should also have manufacturing and inventory control knowledge. 具有生产和库存控制知识;
The manufacturing order to inventory ratio continued to stay at about the highest level since April 2008, suggesting that, with further steady recovery in final demand conditions, solid sequential trend growth in the manufacturing sector will continue in the coming months, she said. 生产订单与存货之比继续在2008年4月以来的最高水平附近徘徊,预示在未来数月内,随着最终需求继续稳步复苏,制造业将继续保持强劲的环比增长趋势。
In addition, the manufacturing accounts are summarized periodically in an account named Manufacturing Summary, and finished product inventory is adjusted through Income Summary. 另外,生产性账户定期接转于生产汇总账户,完工产品的存量则通过收益汇总账户来调控。
The area of manufacturing support concentrates on managing work-in-process inventory as it flows between stages of manufacturing. 制造支持这一领域集中表现为,当在制品在制造各阶段之间流动时,对在制品存货所进行的管理。
This system help Europe headquarter get latest information of Planning, manufacturing, materials, delivery, inventory control and production capacity assessment in the Shanghai Factory. 该系统帮助欧洲总部及时获得中国工厂的最新的讯息,如计划,制造,材料,发货,库存,产能等。
With the perpetual inventory systems, manufacturing firms often use accounts such as Materials Inventory, Wages Payable, Work in Process, and Finished Goods Inventory. 因分批法是以永续盘存制为基础,各种成本通过原材料、应付工资、在产品、产成品等账户来核算。
In the same manner that a manufacturing company will first inventory its physical assets, an aspiring "knowledge organization" should also inventory its intellectual capital assets. 在同样的方式中制造性企业将首先分类它的实物资产,一个积极的知识型组织也应该分类它的智力资本资产。
In lean manufacturing, the definition of inventory is pretty clear. 在精益制造中,对库存的定义非常清晰。
The systems generally display reduced manufacturing lead time, low in-process inventory, and high machine tool utilization, with reduced indirect and direct labor. 一般来说,FMS系统具有生产周期短、在制品库存低、机床利用率高、间接和直接劳动少等特点。
With customer purchasing and manufacturing skyrocketing, the volume of excess inventory and customer demand for solutions to manage this excess is reaching critical mass. 随着客户购买和制造暴涨,数量过多的库存和客户需求的解决方案来管理这一过剩已达到临界质量。
This is a reminder that while manufacturing may get a decent lift as the inventory cycle ends, the much larger service sector may not. 这提醒人们,虽然制造业可能随着库存周期的结束得到可观的提振,但规模大得多的服务业部门却未必如此。
In general, electronics manufacturing companies can improve current inventory status and increase profit margin by cost down as soon as they take correct and initiative actions. 总之,深受库存困扰的我国电子制造企业只要目标明确、方法得当就完全有能力来改善目前的库存现状,通过成本降低来寻找新的利润增长点。
The manufacturing inventory management system deals with the information of material flowing production, administration, financing, inventory etc. 制造厂库存管理系统涉及一个制造厂的物流、生产、人事、财务、库存等一系列管理信息。
This paper analyzes the enterprise's type under the networked manufacturing circumstance, especially analyzes and researches inventory management system of product for the virtual enterprise under the networked manufacturing circumstance, and gets the configuration chart of virtual enterprise. 本文对网络化制造环境下的企业形式进行了分析,特别是虚拟企业形式下应用网络化制造技术的产品库存管理进行了系统的分析及研究,得出了该条件下的库存管理系统结构图。
However, in many manufacturing enterprises the inventory cost, especially the inventory cost of raw materials occupies lots of current capital. 但是,在很多制造企业里库存成本,特别是原材料库存成本占用了大量的流动资金。
Currently, the spare parts inventory management is preferred to the traditional manufacturing industry theory, such as vendor manage inventory, the JIT, consignment and so on. 目前行业的零备件库存管理大多是遵循旧的制造行业库存管理理论,比如供应商管理库存,JIT,寄售等。
For most of manufacturing plants the inventory management is one of the most important aspects in the daily management, it not only influences the operation capital turnover directly but also is critical to meets end customer need. 对于广大制造型工厂而言库存管理是其日常管理中的一项重要环节,它不仅直接影响工厂运营资金的周转,而且在满足客户服务方而也起着至关重要的作用。
Chapter V focus on common problems existing in the supply chain of power transmission and distribution equipment manufacturing enterprises, including supplier selection and management, inventory management, logistics management and then makes the corresponding improvement measures and related strategy. 第五章主要针对我国输配电设备制造企业中的供应链管理中存在的普遍问题提出改善对策及策略重点,包括供应商选择与管理、库存管理、物流管理等三个方面。
Finally, finish the need analysis of the manufacturing inventory management information system; establish functional model, and introduced system architecture, system development elements, database programmes. 最后通过对制造业库存管理信息系统的需求分析,建立功能模型,并研究了系统体系结构、系统开发要点、数据库方案,对核心代码进行了展示。
Implementation of VMI in manufacturing enterprises can effectively reduce inventory, improve operational efficiency and ability to respond to market, and has a profound impact on the enterprises management. 实施VMI的制造型企业能有效降低库存,提高运作效率和对市场的反应能力,并对整个企业管理产生深远的影响。
Differs from the traditional manufacturing industry, the raw material inventory control of aquaculture industry have the characteristics of seasonal supply and easy perishable. 与传统的加工制造业不同,水产行业原料的库存控制具有季节性供应和原料易变质的特点。
At last, combining with the R Electronics 'background and dead inventory produce, management and handling, systematically offer reference and experience for electronic manufacturing industry dead inventory management optimization in theory and fact the two aspects. 最后,结合R电子股份有限公司案例背景、呆滞物料产生、管理及处理的实际情况,从理论和实际两方面,系统的为电子制造企业的呆滞物料管理优化提供一定的借鉴和参考。
A reasonable aggregate production planning has positive significance for responding to market demand, reducing waste in manufacturing process and the inventory of product. 多品种小批量生产模式下,制造企业制定合理的集约生产计划,对于快速响应市场需求,减少制造过程浪费,减少产品库存积压等方面都有着积极的意义。
In modern society, computer simulation, especially the discrete events simulation has been widely applied to fields such as manufacturing, military, queuing system, inventory management system, logistics technology and computer network. 在现代社会中,计算机仿真特别是离散事件系统的计算机仿真已经广泛应用到生产制造、国家军事和国防、排队系统、库存管理系统、物流技术、以及计算机网络等领域。
In the actual manufacturing enterprises 'supply chain inventory management, enterprise decision makers always want to realize multiple management targets and taking into account various interests. 在实际的制造类企业供应链库存管理中,企业决策者往往希望同时实现多个管理目标,兼顾各个方面的利益。
Inventory costs are an important part of the manufacturing cost, including spare parts inventory management is one of the important content. 库存成本是制造成本的重要组成部分,其中的备件库存管理更是其中的一项重要内容。
This thesis analyzes the two most concern indicators the manufacturing enterprises, the minimum inventory costs and inventory turnover cycle. 然后文章分析了现阶段制造类企业最为关注的两个性能指标,即最小化库存成本和周转周期。